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In the life cycle of Marketing there were Era's also....The concept behind it is to highlight that how a great evolution has taken place in the world of marketing from the ancient times to this modern Era of customer centricness.
To have its better understanding we have to land into the pre-industrialization phase and from there onto the industrialized phase of the modern world what we called as customer centric world.
- Sales Era: This era began in late 1920's and lasted till mid 1950's.the economic depression in late 1920's made companies to think that producing goods is not so necessary but selling them is equally important.
- In this era, the companies stressed on selling their products to the customers....Their main aim was only Selling...Selling and only Selling.!!!They were l;east bothered by the needs of the customers as they enjoyed monopoly in the markets at that time.
2. Marketing Era:In early 1950's ,the companies began to realize the change of the trend.They began to realize that gradually changes are happening in the markets by the presence of other competitors in the markets...
They no longer enjoyed the state of monopolistic competition..So companies for the first time realized the importance of the customers needs and wants that they have to stress on marketing of their products rather than selling.
Era's in Marketing.....
Era's in Marketing.....
In our solar system like the planets revolve around the sun,Similarly the companies revolve around the mind of the customer to meet his needs......
Every company is trying hard to create an impression into the minds of the customer so that they can get an advantage over other competitors....
Today's customer is highly volatile one....Tastes and preferences differ from customer to customer...
In the modern world,every company or organisation is trying hard to retain customers for a longer period of time and are putting every effort to deliver value...
Value is something that gives your product a higher advantage than the similar product an other company is offering,i mean to say a competitive edge over others....
The things that were in fad (fashion) yesterday are not in fad today and the things that are in fad today won't be in fad tomorrow.....
The customers tastes and preferences are changing dynamically and so the.trends too.
Thats the reason most of the companies today are spending their Hell lot of money into the market Research often termed as Research and Development (R&D) processes because they want to be in business for a longer time.
No doubt the main aim of the business is to earn profit..but if you start suffering from profit myopia,it is a damn sure thing that your business won't survive...
It is hereby mentioned that Profit myopia can be defined as a state of a human mind in which he only opts for profit thing and rest neglects the other crucial ones....
The main thing in business is the Customer association.
"A single customer lost in business can be termed as an opportunity lost."
Keeping a customer associated with the brand and product is a big thing...and to do that, a product should have to be designed in such a way that the company keeps the customer interested in its products, which in turn could eventually bring more business to the firm.
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