Friday, August 21, 2015

"Power of Persuasion in Marketing"...

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The bond between persuasion and marketing...

The biggest power that lies in this world is ,"The Power of Persuasion..."Persuasion is a bigger thing...It is the power of influencing people and when we talk of the influence,it is not to influence them physically  but to influence there mind as well....

Lets take an example....
A little kid after seeing an Ice cream hawker tries to persuade her mother to get her one....

A politician giving people promises for resolving issues regarding their problems to make them cast votes in his favour.....

what you think that little kid and the politicans both are trying to do....They both are trying to persuade the concerned persons regarding the things they want to have...

Marketers job starts from the start of our day till its end,Every day we encounter so many things like Buckets,Towels,Tooth brush,Tooth pastes,Soap,our car,even our mobile phone......these are all products and we always are quite selective about them.

We chose as per the brands we like as we have certain expectaions from them....because they have so called an image in our mind.....Suppose we want a soap,the first thing that comes in our mind is "Lux" or we wanna purchase a tooth paste,the first thing that comes to our mind is "Colgate",why to go so far...The soft drinks that we use mostly,when some one asks for some "thanda" it automatically comes to mind that,"Thanda matlab Coca-Cola...or if we want a butter,the name that strikes our mind is "Amul"......
Thats called the brands reputation or in the other words we can call it Product positioning.

But have you ever thought that how these things have settled in your mind....Who are the people who are behind this...

Yes!!!There are people behind the scene with a proper strategy and those are Marketers...
Marketers are those people who are behind the scenes and who drive the customers crazy about a product..
"Marketers are in the business of making consumers to spend money which they donot have,on the products they donot need,to create impressions that donot last long,that too on the people that they really donot care about."!!!

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